A donation of £500 has been made by a Rotary club to support a local school in expanding its after school children’s clubs. The donation by Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club will enable children to enjoy extra curriculum activities, at little or no cost. It will also provide another avenue for a return to ‘normal’ following the devastating effect of the covid pandemic.

Said Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club president John Yeomans: “We hope the donation will build on the close relationship the club has developed with the Grange School over many years. Rotary activities include providing reading support to pupils and a visit by Santa at Christmas in addition to regular donations for the purchase of books and other essentials.”

Said Grange School head Charlie Summers: “Our thanks to Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club for the additional funds – it is amazing that we are going to be able to offer free after school clubs to all our pupils. Take-up of our clubs has been minimal in the past due to the cost and financial strain on families. But this will enable us to offer the same opportunities to all our pupils. Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club is an amazing support to us as a school.”