Shoppers in Shrewsbury on Saturday (December 19) are in for a pleasant surprise.
Santa is to make tours of the town centre between 3.00 pm and 4.00 pm.
Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club’s Santa sleigh will do two circuits of the town from the railway station up Castle Gates, round to the top of Wyle Cop, along High Street, down Shoplatch, into Barker Street, along the Riverside and back to the station.
Two Rotarians will man the Wyle Cop barricades, whilst two others will walk alongside the sleigh.
“Due to Covic-19 restrictions there will be no stopping, no handouts and no opportunities to give donations to Santa,” said Rotarian Julian Wells who is organising the town tour.
But shoppers and onlookers with mobile phones can make donations online to www.shrewsburyrotary.co.uk and click on the ‘Donations’ tab. Alternatively, donations can be made by text which costs the amount donated plus one standard message charge.”
Text details are:
To donate £1 text SANTASHREW1 to 70085
To donate £2 text SANTASHREW2 to 70085
or any amount up to £20 by putting the amount after SANTASHREW
Donations to Santa are for local charities and needy causes.