A Rotary club is investigating modern methods of collecting money to boost their major fundraising events, the Santa sleigh and Tree of Light.
Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club has agreed it needs to modernise its cash collection ability to collect money from cards. As a result the club has decided to invest in a card swiping facility similar to the two swipe points for homeless people in the town.
Said president John Yeomans: “We are in a changing world which is moving away from cash collections. It is clear that people won’t have cash to put into our boxes outside stores. So we need a group of members to start work right away to get up to speed with modern methods of collecting money.”
He added that the club would also need to produce publicity material to announce to the public that they are now able to take card donations. A boards, posters and banners will need to be produced and used at Rotary’s fundraising locations, primarily for the Santa sleigh and Tree of Light.
Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club is interested in hearing from prospective new members who can contact secretary Gareth Watkins at gdmw@hotmail.co.uk and join the club in its forthcoming fundraising activities