Speaker addresses Rotary via Zoom

CORONAVIRUS HAS MEANT NO CHICKEN DINNERS FOR HIGH SHERIFF The High Sheriff of Shropshire has confessed to a local Rotary club that due to the coronavirus outbreak she had not had one chicken dinner engagement! Mrs Dean Harris told a Zoom meeting of Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club that she had been very busy and made

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Funding for Shropshire Food Hubs

ROTARY CONTINUES SUPPORTING FOOD HUBS Money which would have bought a weekly meeting meal in times other than coronavirus will continue to be used by Rotarians to support Shrewsbury’s food bank and food hub. Members of Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club agreed at their last Zoom meeting to continue donating a total of £1,000 a month

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Help for local primary school

PRIMARY SCHOOL’S ‘BIG THANK YOU’ TO ROTARY CLUB A Rotary club which has been donating £500 a month throughout this year to a local primary school has received a ‘big thank you’ from all children, parents and staff. “We really appreciate all the support you have given us,” said Beverley Williams, club leader at the

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Rotary Tree of Light News

LOCKDOWN DELAYS ROTARY TREE OF LIGHT INSTALLATION The government’s latest coronavirus lockdown which comes into force from this Thursday has delayed the installation of the Rotary Tree of Light in Shrewsbury. With St. Mary’s Church closing from Thursday in line with government restrictions, Shrewsbury Severn Rotary Club is unable to install the Tree of Light

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Christmas Appeal

Welcome to the new Rotary Club of Shrewsbury Severn Website. We hope that in this very difficult time you will be able to help local charities by making a small donation to either our Tree of Light with a suitable dedication or / and a donation to Santa. Unfortunately due to the coronavius we are

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